| 1. | Aquatic plants, algae, and bacteria must form resting stages or die.
| 2. | The shell contains 10 varix, indicating a previous resting stage with developed outer lip.
| 3. | Some dinoflagellates produce resting stages, called dinoflagellate cysts or dinocysts, as part of their lifecycles.
| 4. | This is the resting stage that survives over summer and these pustules contain the teliospores.
| 5. | The resting stages are often called eggs, but are in fact embryos with arrested development.
| 6. | "Heterosigma akashiwo " produces cysts as a resting stage.
| 7. | During feeding or resting stages the whitefly adult covers its body over with its wings.
| 8. | The sexual cycle results in the production of the sexual eggs, the resting stages enclosed by the ephippium.
| 9. | Super-fast CTs are synchronized with the heart so they take an X-ray during the resting stage of every other beat.
| 10. | It is likely that some acritarch species represent the resting stages ( cysts ) of algae that were ancestral to the dinoflagellates.